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Fee has been defined

The participation fee has been set to 55€ right now. The fee includes only the participation, because we will have to rent some cars for the excursion. So, we encourage that some participants will reach Turin by their own cars, so that the fee will be lower for everyone, fuel for the excursion will be reimbursed.

Not included in the fee are the food and the sleeping ("room and board"). As regard the sleeping places for the 20th, 21st (22nd? in case of bad weather), the organizers will provide more information soon, it depends on the excursion localities that have not been organized yet. I can tell you that probably some few places will be available in Gran Paradison National Park guesthouses, at a very low price (0-10€ each night). Our plan B, in case of very limited places in those guesthouses, is to allocate there only the people that normally do not benefit of reimbursements from their institutions (e.g. students and not-academic people), the others will have to sleep in hotels or huts nearby, more expensive (probably 30-50€ each night). We will provide some details as soon as possible, but most probably after the deadline, when we will know how many people will be at the meeting.

So, I would like to invite you to subscribe the form at the webpage "join us" (!join-us/c1ooe), not just the homepage one. Moreover, I invite you to spread the news about the first edition of the Bombus friends of the Alps to any person that might be interested in that. Help us in spreading the news!

best wishes,

Paolo Biella

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